
Monday, July 8, 2013

Slow Progress

After yesterdays heat we decided to leave early this morning.  We needed to fill the water tank first as it was just past the mooring.  Naturally the tank took a good half hour to fill and in that short time the temperature gauge had risen 3 degrees, showing 22 before 9am!

Later on though, the clouds came over for a while, making it nice and cool for locking and cleared up nicely once we had moored up for the day.  Mooring spots on the Calder and Hebble are far apart requiring a bit of travel each day. So even though we only cruised for 4 hours and dropped 7 odd locks, it still does not explain why I ended up taking a 2 hour 'nana' nap this afternoon.  I fell asleep watching the first set of the tennis yesterday too, I hope that this does not become a habit !!

So a couple of views of the river and canal today

We have a lovely mooring for tonight and I got some sort of sunset pics but now not enough clouds for a decent one.  I am never happy with this weather !  It would be nice to be able to select the days weather as you would like it.  Could be a bit difficult though when everyone wants something different :D

moored just below Broad Cut Top Lock
Andrew has just started the engine again to top up the batteries !!  (We are not meant to run engines after 8pm and it is now 10:55 !!)  (Note from AKH: I made sure there were no boats anywhere near us, and we are rural, so no houses!). We have been having issues with the batteries the past few days.  They are not holding charge overnight and Andrew says the error light was showing, yet a few hours ago the indicator was showing over 80% !  We had a discussion on this while in Huddersfield but we did not have a battery tester.  Andrew eventually decided to replace just the oldest battery which he did not replace last year when we bought the boat, but he has not yet installed it as there is some fancy procedure when they are connected to solar panels and by the time the sun goes down it is rather late !!  I guess though that this will now force the issue :)

So some of the pictures that I took this evening


One day we will be moored in a beautiful rural spot, with the sun setting along the length of the canal (so canal running sort of East to West), there will be some lovely fluffy clouds skudding around the sky and will turn a gorgeous pink while the sun dips down below the horizon and I will be there taking some pictures from the towpath  :D  what bliss.  Mind you there will be no bitey things either !

Sleep tight everyone ;)

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